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Learn more about EDM: Integration and Reconciliation
For buy-side firms launching new products and managing existing ones, complete, accurate and up-to-date investment product (strategy) and account (portfolio) data is essential.
EDM Integration and Reconciliation meets the need with reusable product and account master templates that capture standard relationships for performance data, positions and internal teams. EDM’s flexible data schema allows you to configure and expand these out-of-the-box templates to meet the unique needs of the firm.
Establish best practices for data management across the organization, create a single source of truth for the key business data you use across multiple systems, applications and processes, and produce quality analysis and reporting based on reliable, accurate data.
Consolidate, transform and validate your trade data. Often multi-source, EDM distributes to internal and external applications with a fully acknowledged and confirmed workflow.
Use EDM as a bi-directional integration layer for the consolidation, validation, cleansing, transformation and distribution of general data feeds. SLAs can be created, data validated and information distributed to customers.
Establish an integration layer with outsourced service providers, such as custodians, fund administrators and prime brokers. Reconcile and validate data, reconcile multiple providers and facilitate the integration to a new outsourcer, should the need arise, all on a single platform.
Empower your organization to harness the best quality data at the optimal price. EDM can be used to review overlapping data points sourced from multiple vendors and measure data consumption by internal applications and users.
Reconcile position, cash, transaction and static data, and compare it to internal and external sources.
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