Report: Valuation Considerations for Pension Fund Investments into Private Equity
As the market downturn triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic has
seen asset values plummet, questions have been raised in recent
weeks regarding the valuation of unlisted assets held by
superannuation funds ("supers"). The inquiry arose as members began
switching their assets into cash and after the government announced
that financially strapped Australians could gain early access and
withdraw up to AUD 20,000 of their retirement savings over two
years, thus fueling concerns about fund liquidity. To ensure that
valuations would remain fair and members have an up-to-date picture
of their balances, the largest supers moved quickly to revalue
their unlisted asset portfolios. However, some critics remain
adamant that the super funds have not gone far enough to protect
retail investors and are calling for industry reform. Given the
recent focus, fund managers need to review their valuation and
governance frameworks quickly to ensure they comply with regulatory
guidance and maintain investor confidence. Download the report for
a deeper dive.
Download the Report.
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