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Webinar Replays

Unravelling ESG in Private Equity: What should you be looking at?

July 30, 2020
1 Hour

Unravelling ESG in Private Equity: What should you be looking at?
The pace of ESG adoption across investors is rapidly increasing. As investor interest grows, so does the demand for reporting and the need for increased visibility into portfolio companies. Lack of disclosures continues to be a challenge, but we are seeing an evolution of solutions to address investor demand.

Join us for a complimentary webinar replay in which a panel of industry experts will dive into ESG trends in Private Equity.

Discussion topics will include:

  • What are the 2020 Trends in ESG Strategies?
  • What are the challenges in ESG analysis and how can PE firms overcome them?
  • How is ESG landscape evolving and what are the solutions PE firms should consider?
  • What could the future of ESG solutions look like?
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S&P Global Contributor
Namtse leads business development for Financial Institutions in North America and manages key strategic relationships Full Bio
S&P Global Contributor
Ilja Hauerhof is EMEA’s Private Equity Segment Lead in Product & Market Development. Full Bio
S&P Global Contributor
S&P Global Contributor

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