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Securities Finance 2024 Q3 Review

Thursday, October 24, 2024
Live, Online
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM ET

Market volatility made a bold return this quarter, as global equity markets saw some of their most significant swings of the year. Economic data took centre stage, with even minor deviations from consensus sparking outsized reactions. The quarter kicked off with momentum from earlier rallies, as capital rotated out of tech and into small-cap equities. However, this shift was short-lived. Unexpected interest rate movements in Japan sent shockwaves through markets, prompting investors to swiftly reposition and deleverage.

Global interest rates soon followed suit, with central banks in Europe, the UK, and Canada lowering rates, making future central bank moves a dominant theme in the market narrative. Despite this turbulence, securities finance revenues held strong, though they failed to fully capitalize on the short, sharp market swings. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) shone as a key tool for investors looking to hedge risk, while fixed income assets continued delivering solid returns. Equity markets, though facing significant year-on-year revenue declines, held their ground when viewed against past performances.

Join us on October 24th for an in-depth review of the third quarter 2024 securities finance market performance. We'll be joined by Paul Wilson, Managing Director and Head of Securities Finance, ETF, and Benchmarking Services, who will share insights from the ISLA Americas conference in Naples, Florida. Paul will also offer his expert perspective on the evolving role of data within the securities finance industry and its future potential. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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S&P Global Contributor
Matt Chessum is a director within the securities finance team at S&P Global Market Intelligence.  Full Bio
S&P Global Contributor
Paul Wilson is the global head of the Securities Finance business at S&P Global Market Intelligence, a world leader in critical information, analytics and solutions for the major industries and markets that drive economies worldwide. Full Bio

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