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Journey to CPS230

With July 2025 fast approaching, get peace of mind in ensuring your transition to CPS230 compliance is seamless.

A seamless transition to CPS230 awaits you.

Change is inevitable. We map local regulations to observe the system in action and understand how we can assist you. KY3P provides comprehensive third-party lifecycle management, streamlining manual administrative tasks and enabling you to shift from process administration to effective risk management.

Get peace of mind in your transition to CPS230 with the help of our:

  • Onboarding and Oversight
  • Due Diligence and Monitoring
  • Shared Assessments

Onboarding and Oversight

KY3P Onboarding & Oversight allows firms to effectively manage their third parties, enforcing compliance by codifying your organization’s third party risk policies and oversight procedures, structured workflows, email notifications and reporting.

Learn more about Onboarding & Oversight

Due Diligence and Monitoring

Third parties are overwhelmed with due diligence requests from their clients, using client spreadsheets, homegrown platforms and processes. The need to address each client request slows down the process and the lack of standardization increases the risk of third parties providing incomplete or incorrect answers.

KY3P Due Diligence & Monitoring enables efficient collection and analysis of due diligence data from, and about your third parties.

Learn more about Due Diligence and Monitoring

Shared Assessments

KY3P® Shared Assessment is transforming the way institutions are conducting assessments today, by allowing firms to request due diligence on their third parties’ posture and compliance. Shared Assessments provide verification and reports, including:

  • Assessment of policies
  • Procedures and documentation
  • Interviews with third-party stakeholders
  • Sample observations
Learn more about Shared Assessments

Learn more about our KY3P Solution for CPS230

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Thought Leadership

CPS230: Reducing the Operational Risks Facing Financial Institutions in Australia

Ongoing digital transformation, the global interconnectedness of markets, and the increased use of third-party service providers has introduced complexities to risk management efforts at financial institutions.

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KY3P Video: Find out how our KY3P® suite of solutions can help you

KY3P is the world-leading integrated suite of solutions to manage your end-to-end third-part risk management, covering data analytics, technology, expertise and advisory, and assessments.

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10 Ways to Optimise Your Third-Party Risk Management

Ready to transform your third-party risk management?

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Our Journey to CPS 230: The criticality of criticality

The aim of the Prudential Standard CPS 230 is to ensure that an entity regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) is resilient to operational risks and disruptions.

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