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Simulate your deal flow with
lightning-fast valuations.

Simulate the valuation of a new portfolio or hypothetical plant. Customize your financing assumptions. Understand how multiple forecasting scenarios impact your bottom line.

Power Evaluator
Asset Builder

The processes of origination and early-stage project analysis are multifaceted and require a comprehensive approach. The Asset Builder on Power Evaluator seamlessly integrates weather data, forecasting information, and nodal pricing within a sophisticated tool tailored to deliver accurate projections of future project value.

With the ability to modify financing metrics and locations, conduct sensitivity analyses, and rapidly evaluate potential value at a vast number of locations, Asset Builder expeditiously assesses the viability of power projects at scale with lightning speed.


Simulation options for plant technologies


Solar, wind, and battery project specification adjustments


Weather metrics impacting generation shaping and valuations


Modeled and calculated metrics for sensitivity comparisons and simulations

  • Robust Site Selector
  • Technical Specs for Renewable Project Simulation
  • Nodal Interconnection Optimizer
  • Sensitivity Impact Charting
  • LCOE & Contracting Analysis
  • Weather & Physical Risk

Simulate a power project build at any node, latitude and longitude brownfield site, IRA community, and more.

  • Select a site to simulate a plant build from 15 different modes:

Balancing Authority Brownfield Opportunity County
Custom Coordinates (Lat/long) Projects in early development Interconnect
IRA Coal Closure Energy Community IRA MSA Energy Community IRA Non-MSA Energy Community
NERC Subregion Node State

  • Choose from any technology and fuel combination
  • Attach a zonal or nodal level forecast methodology
  • Leverage historical weather patterns or forecast assumptions for renewable generation shaping

Technical Specs for Renewable Project Simulation


  • Adjust system tilt, type, and azimuth to get a snapshot of the project generation profile, capture factor, and curtailment risk


  • See expected wind power curves from 50+ common turbine models
  • Adjust turbine rating, cut-in/cut-out speed, and rated win speed to see impacts on capture factor, ELCC, and curtailment risk on your site
  • Instantly view a wind rose to highlight historic wind direction


  • Edit duration, cycle time, roundtrip efficiency, depth discharge, and degradation to see impact on battery utilization, capture factor, and ELCC

Interconnect your simulated project to an off-the-shelf AI-powered nodal basis and LMP forecasts.

  • Access a comprehensive database of over 40,000 LMP and basis forecasts
  • Locate potential nodes through targeted search by name or proximity
  • Obtain real-time confidence scores, historical basis data, and renewable generation-weighted pricing for any potential node
  • Utilize our mapping and distance system for effortless navigation and streamlined results

Perform site-specific sensitivity analysis, utilize real-time modeling, and efficiently compare and benchmark results for contracting and valuation purposes.

  • Analyze the correlation between various metrics to gain insight into their mutual influence.
  • Examine the effect of Capacity Credit, Capture Factor, Target DSCR, and over 30 other metrics on Fair Market Value.
  • Conduct a comprehensive evaluation of fuel and technology options at your site to determine the most advantageous project to pursue.

Gain analysis of levelized cost of energy breakdown and breakeven contracting metrics.

  • Custom LCOE calculation for any site and fuel/technology pairing
  • Access detailed breakdown of cost components such as including Capital Expenditure, Fixed & Variable Operations & Maintenance, Insurance, and Taxes
  • Calculation and visual representation of the breakeven point for the power purchase agreement

Access data about the historical weather and forecasted physical risks for a specific location.

  • Our comprehensive weather data collection offers 26 metrics, including wind direction, solar irradiance, and precipitation, all readily accessible for any desired location.
  • Access our seamless integration of weather data that allows for efficient generation shaping.
  • Use our advanced technology that provides normalized physical risk scores tailored specifically for your site.

Discover the full capability of Power Evaluator


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  • Best Corporate Actions Data Initiative, 2023
  • Best Overall Sell-Side Technology Provider, 2023
  • Most Innovative Regulatory Solution (Climate Risk & Transaction Reporting), 2023
  • Best Overall Data Product or Service, 2023

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