Pinpoint your physical risks and financial losses due to climate change. Assess physical risk exposure and its financial impact on your assets, portfolios, and supply chains.
Every small detail contributes to your sustainability big picture. Map your financial exposure to physical and transition climate risks and build resilience throughout your value chain with Essential Sustainability Intelligence.
With asset and company-level physical risk exposure scores and financial impact metrics to help financial and non-financial organizations assess the impact of climate change on their portfolios, operational assets and supply chains, S&P Global Physical Risk measures risk exposure to eight climate hazards, four scenarios and eight time periods for over 20,000 companies and over 870,000 asset locations.
Find out moreStay ahead of the game with the world’s most comprehensive climate risk analytics platform, S&P Global Climanomics. Get quantifiable financial insights into the impact of climate risk on physical assets and portfolios and gain insight to make informed business decisions.
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