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Artificial Intelligence Solutions

Solve your high-value, domain-specific challenges using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. With S&P Global Market Intelligence AI solutions, you can spend less time managing data and more time delivering critical insights.

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    Driven by discovery, we create innovative and relevant artificial intelligence solutions powered by a deep understanding of data science, generative AI, machine learning, and natural language processing.

    Backed by extensive financial and corporate services domain expertise, three overarching principles govern our AI strategy:

    We keep our customers at the core of what we do and strive to invest in and build AI features, tools, and products that increase productivity and business value.
    We use a hybrid development philosophy leveraging the best technology and artificial intelligence available.
    We ensure optimal results by appropriately licensing S&P Global's proprietary and differentiated data for use in customer or third-party AI models or applications.

    The Big Picture: 2024 Generative AI Outlook


    AI Products, Platforms, and Solutions

    Domain-specific foundational generative AI (GenAI): RegulationsCredit & Risk, ESGClimate Risk, Private MarketsSupply Chain

    AI-powered capabilities: Information retrieval, search, and content personalization on desktop, platform, and enterprise solutions

    Discovery and filtering of content via AI-based tags

    AI-derived market insights: Dividends ForecastingAlpha Factor LibraryKey DevelopmentsTextual Data Analytics, Sentiments on Emerging Markets

    Data-as-a-Service Applications

    High-fidelity AI-augmented data assets primed for use with advanced AI capabilities such as large language models (LLMs):

    Machine Readable Earnings Call Transcripts

    The Machine Readable Transcripts dataset aggregates data from earnings calls delivered in a machine-readable format for Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications with metadata tagging.

    Utilize Machine Readable Transcripts to keep track of event information for specific companies including dates, times, dial-in and replay numbers, and investor relations contact information.


    Machine Readable Filings

    The Global Machine Readable Filings dataset provides parsed text for global annual and interim reports, broken down into the various sections identified by the company, with extraneous information such as page numbers, images, and tables removed.

    Leverage Global Machine Readable Filings to perform Natural Language Processing (NLP) on an entity's filings over time. Use the database to monitor strategic initiatives, justification of earnings, M&A plans, tactical execution, ESG efforts, new products, and much more.


    Machine Readable Broker Reports

    Machine Readable Broker Research unlocks the value within equity research reports by cleansing and parsing reports to deliver structured text from partner brokers for Natural Language Processing (NLP) analysis.


    Dataset Readiness for GenAI

    Proprietary, high-fidelity textual & tabular data stores for training and fine-tuning LLM-powered applications with business and finance domain expertise.


    Transform text into insight with our NLP-ready datasets


    The best AI solutions start with a conversation.


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    We're proud of our recent awards!

    • Best Corporate Actions Data Initiative, 2023
    • Best Overall Sell-Side Technology Provider, 2023
    • Most Innovative Regulatory Solution (Climate Risk & Transaction Reporting), 2023
    • Best Overall Data Product or Service, 2023

    And, we delight in supporting our customers with 24x7x365 customer service and a 98% customer service satisfaction rate.

    If your company has a current subscription for S&P Capital IQ Pro, you can register as a new user for access to the platform(s) covered by your license at S&P Capital IQ Pro or S&P Capital IQ


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    At this time we are unable to offer free trials or product demonstrations directly to students. If you discover that our solutions are not available to you, we encourage you to advocate at your university for a best-in-class learning experience that will help you long after you've completed your degree. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.