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Evaluate the impact of climate-related scenarios on your portfolios to better understand the possible risks and opportunities.

Undertake a Market-Valuation Approach to Assess the Impact of Climate-Related Risks

Climate RiskGauge estimates the financial impact of climate transition and physical risks by looking at a compact set of financials, projected emissions as well as a firm’s implied market capitalization, to arrive at the estimation of a credit score change1 over a given time horizon for public and private companies.

1S&P Global Ratings does not contribute to or participate in the creation of credit scores generated by S&P Global Market Intelligence. Lowercase nomenclature is used to differentiate S&P Global Market Intelligence credit model scores from the credit ratings issued by S&P Global Ratings.

We Support

  • The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures’ (TCFD) recommendations on forward-looking scenario analysis
  • Climate-related stress testing that regulators are increasingly expecting from financial institutions, at both a single counterparty and portfolio level.
  • Incorporation of climate related risks into credit-related policies, procedures, strategies and overall risk appetite of a financial institution.

  • Climate risk-adjusted valuations of companies for the purpose of capital markets issuances, mergers and acquisitions and other types of corporate financing and investment activities.

Key Features of Climate RiskGauge

Optimized, Lean Approach

Optimized for limited data requirements enabling efficient portfolio level analysis and wide coverage.

Wide Spectrum of Asset Classes

Covers a variety of asset classes including corporates, financial institutions, and expanding to include several more in the future.

Variety of Scenarios

Incorporates a variety of scenarios making it suitable for both stress testing and reporting requirements across multiple jurisdictions, globally.

Comprehensive Solution

Climate RiskGauge leverages S&P Global Trucost’s database of company-specific Scope 1 and 2 emission details, physical risk scores of companies and company pledges to transition from our Paris alignment datasets to provide an optimized assessment of climate impact to portfolios.

The model’s primary outputs include key financials and future market capitalization of a company under a climate scenario and projected period The current and future market capitalization for private companies leverages standard market-valuation techniques.

Future market capitalization is then used within an enhanced Merton approach to determine the change in creditworthiness of those companies.

It is delivered via S&P Capital IQ/Market Intelligence Excel® templates which help automate financial spreading and provide ease in integration, as these are not dependent on any software or technology.

Aligned to Renowned Agencies/ Associations

Climate RiskGauge enables users to select between:

  • A slow, moderate, or fast scenario developed by S&P Global Trucost, spanning a period of 30 years, from 2020 to 2050.
  • A user-defined scenario applying a global carbon price risk premium, where the severity of the overall tax increase from current levels is assumed to be independent of the industry sector, the geography, and the time horizon.
  • It has the flexibility to align with the scenario values from both the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS). The tool is also regularly updated to reflect the continued evolution in climate-related risk trends. 

Extensive Climate Coverage

Trucost’s database currently stores the history of reported and estimated Scope 1 (direct), Scope 2 (indirect), and Scope 3 (supply-chain related) carbon emissions for more than 15,000 companies globally, since 2005, including emissions from fuel combustion, company vehicles, and fugitive emissions.

Sustainable1’s information on more than 3 million physical assets’ geographical locations, with financial impact aggregated at the company level from 7 physical hazards, modelled for various climate scenarios. These scenarios are harmonized with those from NGFS.  The overall physical risk impact includes both implications at GDP and company-level.

An optimized set of financial inputs from Capital IQ Pro allowing for a vast company level coverage including 45,000+ public companies (financial and non-financial) and several million private companies across industries.

A Market-Valuation Approach for Climate-Related Transition and Physical Risk Assessment

Climate Risk Insights

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