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As climate risk and other sustainability issues increasingly influence business outcomes, the global market demand for reliable and comparable sustainability data and insights continues to grow.
S&P Global’s sustainability solutions help companies, banks and investors identify prospects for growth, manage risks, address regulations and maximize their sustainability performance against their objectives. We leverage our data, analytics and workflow tools to provide sustainability intelligence that powers global markets, supports transparency and enables customers to make informed decisions with conviction.
S&P Global’s data insights provide both the big picture and deep, detailed views on critical topics such as climate change, energy transition, nature and biodiversity, and sustainable finance. The following highlights key and new offerings from our five divisions and Sustainable1 across these and other important themes.
S&P Global’s divisions are supported by S&P Global Sustainable1, a centralized group with a core focus on cross-company sustainability offerings. Our comprehensive coverage across global markets, combined with in-depth sustainability intelligence, provides clients with expansive insight on business risk, opportunity and impact as we work toward a sustainable future.
Sustainability data and analytics
for public and private markets
Credit ratings and sustainable
finance services
Benchmarks, data and insights to
support the energy transition
Indices to support climate
and sustainability investing
Products to help navigate
the transportation decarbonization transition
Sustainable1 matches customers with sustainability products, insights and solutions from across S&P Global’s divisions, to help meet each customer’s unique needs. Sustainable1’s datasets also support new product development in divisions.
To learn more, visit our website.
*Revenue generated from evaluations, scores, physical risk analysis, and global climate and energy transition data and analytics.
** Revenue excludes Engineering Solutions and refers to pro forma revenue in 2022.
Our comprehensive data coverage, in-depth analytics and support services help customers navigate multiple aspects of climate change and the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Our data and insight is tried-and-tested throughout the global value chain, helping companies, banks, investment managers and asset owners to support their net-zero journeys, from quantifying net-zero baselines and setting science-based targets to reporting progress and financing ambition. Examples include:
Banks and other financial institutions are under increasing pressure from stakeholders to evaluate GHG emissions from the businesses, assets and projects they finance, invest in or underwrite (Scope 3 emissions). However, methodologies for estimating financed emissions vary significantly, and the necessary data is not easily accessed.
The sustainability team at a large Japanese bank wanted to evaluate its financed emissions specifically from its vehicle portfolio, broken into well-to-tank (emissions associated with extracting, processing, and transporting the fuel) and tank-to-wheel (combustion emissions). The goal was to work with automotive portfolio companies to set and progress toward reasonable emissions goals for 2030 and 2050.
S&P Global Mobility helped to identify key data and break the calculation of vehicle emissions into three key steps:
S&P Global Mobility’s deep vehicle-level data and bottom-up approach enabled portfolio-level aggregation for multiple GHG concentration scenarios and time horizons, helping the client establish net-zero goals and plan engagement with its portfolio companies.
Our suite of offerings meets the needs of different customers through climate scenarios, physical and transition risk assessments, assessment of climate impacts on creditworthiness and more. Examples include:
Our solutions cut across several areas to support the energy transition, including environmental markets, emissions management, and clean energy technology and investments. Examples include:
In September 2023, S&P Global Commodity Insights launched first-of-kind price assessments for Emissions-Adjusted (EA) Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) through a collaborative data licensing agreement with the clean energy data-driven solutions provider REsurety. While renewable energy certificate markets are well established, not all RECs have the same emissions impact, and to date, the emissions impacts have not been reflected in pricing. The new Platts EA RECs are aimed at shedding light on this additional energy-transition-critical information and providing benchmark values for renewables based on their emissions impact.
The speed and scale of biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation are the highest in history. According to S&P Global research, 85% of the world’s largest companies have a significant dependency on nature, indicating the critical importance of greater transparency for market participants on nature-related risks and opportunities. Businesses and financial institutions need help gaining the knowledge, capacity, data and deep analytics to understand, manage and disclose the nature-related risks they face. Examples of our solutions include:
S&P Global Sustainable1
“Data can highlight the interconnectedness between climate change and nature loss. Our research and insights demonstrate how understanding nature-related risks and opportunities can support decarbonization, climate adaptation and ecosystem protection.”
Managing Director, Global Head of Research and Methodology
In 2023, S&P Global supported Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) in conducting a trial analysis concerning the nature-related risks of GPIF’s portfolio using the Nature Risk Profile methodology.
Results of the analysis described the nature-related impact and dependency performance of GPIF’s domestic and foreign equity portfolios across three core themes:
GPIF subsequently disclosed and discussed the analysis in its FY2022 ESG Report, providing its investors and other stakeholders with a preliminary understanding of nature-related risks, while also supporting ongoing exploration of approaches, guidelines and associated analysis methods recommended by the TNFD.
In a world where investments that use sustainable criteria are measured in the trillions of dollars, insight into sustainable finance is a requirement for all market participants. S&P Global’s purpose-built data, benchmarks, analytics and workflow solutions enable customers to gain greater insight into how their investments will impact and align with global climate and sustainability goals. Examples include:
* As of March 2024.
Our SPOs provide a view on alignment to relevant market principles, including those of the International Capital Markets Association, the Loan Market Association, and the EU Taxonomy. For green projects, S&P Global Ratings assesses the financing’s contribution in the transition to a low-carbon future through our shading scale, which includes assigning Dark, Medium or Light shading, as appropriate.
Totals may not sum due to rounding.
* AUM = passive ETF assets under management licensing SPDJI indices.
Data for 2022 and 2023 reflects the entire Group and not S&P Global on a stand-alone basis prior to the merger, as stated in the prior year Impact Report.
Sources: SPDJI client-reported data, eVestment and Morningstar Inc. Asset values as of December 31, 2023. Table is provided for illustrative purposes.
Note: LCCR: Low-carbon climate resilient. LCCR is aligned with the Paris Agreement, where the global average temperature increase is held below 2 degrees Celsius (2°C), with efforts to limit the increase to 1.5°C, above pre-industrial levels.
S&P Dow Jones Indices
“Our sustainability indices help customers monitor and evaluate a wide range of investment strategies and make informed decisions for allocating capital to support a more sustainable economy.”
Managing Director, Global Head of ESG Indices
Companies face ever-increasing scrutiny and pressure to extend their sustainability efforts to their supply chains. S&P Global’s supply chain solutions provide integrated data, insights and processes to help customers manage risk and deliver on their supply chain goals. Examples include:
Market participants are now taking into account environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations in the decision-making process not only in the context of mitigating risk, but also in the context of value creation, as a strategic consideration to remain competitive and foster innovation. S&P Global’s diverse range of analytics and opinions provides a well-rounded picture of ESG performance, to address the different needs of market participants throughout the value chain. Examples include:
The S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) provides annual evaluation of companies’ sustainability practices relative to industry peers, focusing on criteria that are both industry-specific and financially material.
We actively work to advance better understanding and management of sustainability issues, including through our own events and publications, as well as engagement in key global forums. The following highlights key examples from 2023.
In 2023, we launched a revamped Sustainability Insights portal housing all S&P Global Ratings thought leadership as we continue to advance our research and analysis on key sustainability topics.
S&P Global Sustainable1’s ESG Insider podcast takes listeners inside the ESG issues shaping the business world through in-depth analysis and interviews with sustainability leaders. The podcast surpassed one million downloads in 2023, again making it the most downloaded across S&P Global and signaling market demand for clear, reliable information about the fast evolving sustainability space. In 2023, the podcast took listeners to key sustainability events like Climate Week NYC and COP28 and covered topics including climate, nature, standards and regulations, worker wellbeing and diversity in leadership.
Published in November 2023, this S&P Global Ratings research report highlights the potential exposure and readiness of rated countries to different types of climate hazards. Using four climate scenarios to examine the potential exposure of 137 countries to economic losses caused by the physical impacts of climate change, the research mapped the potential exposure of economic output and population to seven climate hazards, using average historical loss rates associated with these hazards. We also used sovereign economic and institutional assessments as a proxy to assess countries’ readiness to adapt and recover from such events.
In 2023, S&P Global Sustainable1 was pleased to remain an active contributor to the TNFD, including participating in working groups that developed the final framework and supporting the launch of the final recommendations at a New York Stock Exchange event during Climate Week NYC. We complemented this work with the launch of the Nature and Biodiversity Risk dataset and analytic reports to help customers begin to adopt and apply the TNFD framework. We also hosted roundtables, webinars, panel discussions and workshops throughout the year to help clients and others build their capacity to understand why nature and biodiversity is a topic for the private sector, how they can begin to address their exposure to related risks and opportunities, and how the market context is evolving. This included contributing our expertise at global forums including COP28 in Dubai, Climate Week NYC and the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, as well as co-hosting a summit with the Capitals Coalition, titled Towards a Sustainable World: Evolving the Future Economy Based on the Value of Nature, People and Society. We also continued to leverage the insight of the Framing the Future for Nature knowledge community highlighted above.