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S&P Global Market Intelligence

Todd C. Lee, Ph.D.

Chief China Economist

Todd C. Lee is chief China economist and leads the China Economics team at S&P Global Market Intelligence.

Todd is responsible for China's macroeconomic forecast, analysis, research, and risk assessment. Besides China's economic issues, Todd expertise includes macroeconomics, urban and regional economics, and international economic development. As a seasoned and keen China watcher, Todd has years of professional experience assisting multinational corporations navigating China's fast-evolving economic conditions. He accurately forecast China's protracted growth slowdown in the 2010s, which helped clients prepare for a peaked Chinese growth environment. Prior to taking on the role of chief China economist, Todd was an executive director of Global Economics at S&P Global Market Intelligence. Todd joined S&P Global Market Intelligence with the acquisition of Global Insight. He led the Asia Economics Group at Global Insight and was a senior economist at Standard & Poor's DRI.

Todd earned a Ph.D. in economics from Brown University and a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of California, Irvine. He is fluent in Chinese.