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At S&P Global, we value your privacy and are committed to understand the need to honor an individual’s right to privacy. Delivering essential intelligence as a global data and analytics company requires that we maintain the trust of our customers.
We are transparent about how we collect personal information. Our global corporate privacy policy explains who we are, how we collect, share and use personal information about you, and how you can exercise your privacy rights. Our core values of excellence, relevance, and integrity guide our decisions, our actions, and how we deliver to our customers.
We focus on B2B data. The majority of our products and services provide value through data analytics to identify connections and market advantages in high-level business data. We rarely collect highly sensitive personal information from customers.
In light of quickly evolving global privacy regulations, at S&P Global we respect local privacy laws and privacy compliance is a core consideration.
Using the personal information we collect to deliver essential intelligence and allowing our stakeholders to make informed decisions.