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Creating an Inclusive Economy

A thriving economy, growing, sustainable and stable; must also be an inclusive economy

Bridging the Global Skills Gap in STEM and digital expertise

The world needs a skilled workforce to power inclusive and sustainable economies.

Promoting a Sustainable Environment

We see sustainability as essential for our business, stakeholders and society.

Focus Area

Powering thriving, global communities with greater opportunity for all.

Powering thriving, global communities with greater opportunity for all.


Creating an Inclusive Economy

A thriving economy – growing, sustainable and stable – must also be an inclusive economy. Economies should function for all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, religion, disability or gender.

We support programs and organizations working to break down existing barriers to give underserved groups the chance to fully participate in the economy. We also use our professional skills and insights to strengthen initiatives that connect members of marginalized communities to job training and employment opportunities.

Building on our company’s long-time work to support women entrepreneurs, S&P Global tackles the challenges women face in launching and developing their own businesses, from gender bias to lack of access to capital. Our global #ChangePays campaign leverages our company’s essential intelligence, data and insights on women’s economic participation to increase awareness of and advance the discussion around the benefits of greater inclusivity.


Bridging the Global Skills Gap in STEM and digital expertise

The world needs a skilled workforce to power inclusive and sustainable economies. Competition is fierce in today’s global job market, but millions of jobs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) remain unfilled.

To meet the increasing demand for STEM skills, we aim to inspire students and other future workers to pursue STEM and digital careers, connect underrepresented groups to employability skills for such careers, and encourage the application of STEM learning to real-world problems.

We support a broad range of programs that help more people gain the essential skills that today’s economy demands. We invest in, partner and volunteer with programs that help future workers gain digital expertise and help our teams connect with the next generation of the workforce.


Promoting a Sustainable Environment

We believe organizations like S&P Global have a significant role to play in addressing society’s most pressing challenges, including transitioning to a low-carbon economy. In February 2021 S&P Global announced ambitious targets to reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with the goal of countering the adverse effects of climate change and supporting a net-zero economy.

S&P Global commits to becoming net-zero by 2040

Our approach to reaching this goal is derived from the latest climate science and aligns with best practices of avoiding and reducing emissions whenever possible and replacing high-carbon energy sources with low-carbon alternatives. Our targets were validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and are consistent with reductions required to keep global warming to 1.5°C, the most ambitious scenario available in the SBTi process. Using 2019 as a baseline year, by 2025 S&P Global commits to the following by 2025:

o 25% absolute reduction of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions

o 25% absolute reduction of Scope 3 emissions in business travel

o 81% of our suppliers will have their own science-based targets