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S&P Global Mobility
Senior Principal Analyst, Automotive Sensors
Richard Dixon is senior principal analyst for automotive sensors at S&P Global Mobility and is the author of more than 40 consulting and market research studies.
Richard has expertise on all aspects of passenger car sensors used in safety, powertrain, infotainment and body applications. Richard's responsibilities are comprised of the development of databases that forecast market demand for sensors deployed in more than 100 automotive applications, including more than 20 types of sensors, such as MEMS, magnetic, inductive and ceramic. His most recent research on future automated driving includes mapping the entire sensor requirement by engine and exhaust system at car model level and sensors. As part of his duties, he has supported organizations with custom studies ranging from future scenarios for car sensors to analyzing the automotive supply chain. Prior to S&P Global Mobility , he was senior analyst at iSuppli with responsibility for MEMS and sensors in automotive and industrial sectors. He worked as a journalist in the semiconductor industry, and he has five years of experience in early-stage technology commercialization, e.g. for NASA.
Richard graduated with a materials science undergraduate degree from the University of Greenwich, and he earned his doctorate from the University of Surrey, United Kingdom.
Director, Automotive Technology & Aftermarket
Joyce Wang is Director of Automotive Technology & Aftermarket at S&P Global Mobility, focusing on technology trend forecasts and aftermarket analysis.
SR Research Analyst, Medium and Heavy Commercial Vehicle Forecasting
Jie is responsible for forecasting MHCV sales in Europe, focusing on fuel types and propulsions
Vice President and General Manager, Polk Automotive Solutions
Mr. Kyriakoza team leads efforts to aid automotive OEMs, dealers, and affiliates to make better decisions and drive stronger results for their various marketing initiatives by making Polk Automotive Solutions available through all tech and media channels and platforms