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S&P Global Commodity Insights
Director Energy Technology and Innovation, Upstream Solutions
Dr. Oscar Abbink is director of Energy Technology and Innovation for the Upstream Solutions at S&P Global Commodity Insights
Oscar Abbink is responsible for analysis of the strategic implications of new technologies in the energy sector and leads S&P Global's Upstream Transformation - Technology and Innovation research. He is widely respected for his knowledge and global experience with upstream oil and gas, energy industry monitoring and trends, and oil and gas digitalization. Dr. Abbink has more than 25 years' experience in the international energy sector. He has led many research and consulting projects advising organizations with their technology strategy, benchmarking, and implementation, and their digital transformation.
Previously, Dr. Abbink was Global Industry Leader Oil and Gas, Business Consulting, with a major system integrator, and Director Oil and Gas with a major research organization.
Dr. Abbink holds a M.Sc. and an industry-sponsored Ph.D. from Utrecht University, the Netherlands.