03 Nov 2021 | 14:29 UTC

Infographic: Surging cost of energy transition casts shadow over COP26 climate talks

Demand for carbon credits and rapidly reopening economies have seen a surge in the value of a basket of S&P Global Platts price assessments this year.

A deal in line with the UN's ambition to keep 1.5 degrees Celsius global warming within reach will increase demand for a range of low-carbon resources from hydrogen to battery metals, bringing the cost of the energy transition into sharper focus.

Platts Analytics' Reference Case assumes an unprecedented amount of clean energy adoption, but it still falls short of achieving a Two Degree target, illustrating how difficult the challenge of preventing climate change is.

Click for full-size infographic

Infographic showing emissions trajectory and rising cost of energy transition

Related content: Global climate talks underscore growing role for energy transition benchmarks