Published May 1982
This supplementary report reviews recent developments in the technology of vinyl chloride polymerization for manufacturing homopolymers, copolymers, and graft polymers. Also reviewed are vinyl chloride removal from the polymer at various stages of the polymerization process, and the prevention of polymer encrustation inside the polymerizer. We revised the designs of three major processes, i.e., suspension, liquid-phase bulk, and emulsion polymerization, to incorporate some of the recent developments. Notable revisions are as follows: the reactor walls and the inserted devices are coated with a suppressant material to minimize polymer encrustation, and a self-contained batch transfer system is used to prevent VCM from escaping to the atmosphere.
Consequently, a high pressure water wash system replaces the solvent cleaning facilities, and the vent gas scrubbing system is no longer needed. These features are also considered in the design of the microsuspension process, a subject PEP has not covered before. We have evaluated the economics of all the above processes for making homopolymer, and the bulk and suspension processes for making VC-VA copolymer and VC graft polymer. Finally, various additives that are essential for PVC compounding are selectively reviewed.
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