29 Jul 2022 | 04:00 UTC

Platts launches DES NWE LNG derivative assessments

Platts, part of S&P Global Commodity Insights, will publish DES Northwest Europe LNG derivative assessments that settle against the monthly average of its daily physical DES NWE LNG Marker assessment (Code: AASXU00) from July 29, 2022.

The launch of these daily derivative assessments follows an unprecedented decoupling of the European LNG and natural gas markets and market feedback indicating an increasing need for forward LNG pricing transparency in Northwest Europe.

Platts is publishing 11 monthly financial derivatives contracts, with the start of the forward curve aligning with the benchmark pricing month of the physical assessment.

They roll over on the 16th of each calendar month unless that day is not a business day, in which case the price assessments roll over on the following business day.

For example, on Aug. 12, 2022, the M1 assessment will reflect September 2022 pricing and M11 will reflect July 2023. On Aug. 16, 2022, the M1 assessment will reflect October 2022 pricing and M11 will reflect August 2023.

Platts takes into consideration the latest information sourced from the market up to the close of the Platts Market on Close assessment process at 4:30 pm London time for the new derivative assessments, and follows the London publishing schedule.

The outright assessments are published in $/MMBtu, and each lot is equivalent to 10,000 MMBtu.

Platts is also publishing the new DES NWE LNG derivative assessments as a spread to their equivalent-month Dutch Title Transfer Facility (TTF) natural gas price assessments in $/MMBtu.

These new assessments appear in Platts LNG Daily, Platts LNG Alert page 1822 and in the Platts price database under the following codes:

Assessment Code

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo01 LNGDA01

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo02 LNGDA02

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo03 LNGDA03

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo04 LNGDA04

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo05 LNGDA05

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo06 LNGDA06

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo07 LNGDA07

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo08 LNGDA08

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo09 LNGDA09

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo10 LNGDA10

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo11 LNGDA11

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo01 vs Dutch TTF Mo01 $/MMBtu LNDTA01

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo02 vs Dutch TTF Mo02 $/MMBtu LNDTA02

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo03 vs Dutch TTF Mo03 $/MMBtu LNDTA03

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo04 vs Dutch TTF Mo04 $/MMBtu LNDTA04

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo05 vs Dutch TTF Mo05 $/MMBtu LNDTA05

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo06 vs Dutch TTF Mo06 $/MMBtu LNDTA06

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo07 vs Dutch TTF Mo07 $/MMBtu LNDTA07

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo08 vs Dutch TTF Mo08 $/MMBtu LNDTA08

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo09 vs Dutch TTF Mo09 $/MMBtu LNDTA09

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo10 vs Dutch TTF Mo10 $/MMBtu LNDTA10

LNG DES NWE Financial Mo11 vs Dutch TTF Mo11 $/MMBtu LNDTA11

Full details of Platts DES NWE LNG assessments can be found in the Global LNG Specifications Guide: https://www.spglobal.com/commodityinsights/PlattsContent/_assets/_files/en/our-methodology/methodology-specifications/global_lng.pdf

Please send all feedback, comments and questions to lngeditorialteam@spglobal.com and pricegroup@spglobal.com.

For written comments, please provide a clear indication if comments are not intended for publication by Platts for public viewing.

Platts will consider all comments received and will make comments not marked as confidential available upon request.