28 Apr 2023 | 15:00 UTC

Listen: Building out green steel for the energy transition

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Featuring S&P Global

Some members of the steel industry, which is known for being carbon-intensive, are looking toward cleaner primary steel production pathways to cut down on carbon emissions. One avenue is the production of "green steel," which uses hydrogen instead of fossil fuels in the iron ore smelting process.

Energy Evolution correspondents Camellia Moors and Camilla Naschert spoke with Chathu Gamage, a manager in the Climate-Aligned Industries Program at RMI, and Kajsa Ryttberg-Wallgren, head of hydrogen at H2 Green Steel, about the green steel production process and how views about the product are changing in response to the energy transition.

Energy Evolution co-hosts Dan Testa and Taylor Kuykendall are veteran journalists with broad expertise covering the energy and mining sectors. Subscribe to Energy Evolution on your favorite platform to catch our latest episodes!

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