16 Jul 2024 | 11:45 UTC

Infographic: La Nina's looming impact on global commodity markets

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The likely return of the La Nina climate phenomenon, and the associated shift in global weather patterns and temperature extremes, will bring a new wave of disruption and volatility to key global commodity markets.

La Nina, which occurs irregularly with varying frequency and duration, refers to the large-scale cooling of surface temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean and associated changes in atmospheric circulation.

These adjustments, which typically last from several months to a year, trigger dramatic changes in global wind, pressure, temperature and precipitation patterns that can have a devastating impact on global commodity markets.

The infographic below helps to understand the potential impact of La Nina on key commodities.

Click here for the full-size infographic

Further reading: Commodities markets brace for La Nina weather impacts

Infographic: Commodities markets brace for La Niña impacts